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2022 - Year in Review - Stronghold Hire Sydney

2022 Year in Review and What’s In Store for 2023

What a great year for us here at Stronghold Hire! Despite the continual delays due to the unpredictable weather and industry wide labour shortage, 2022 was definitely a year to look back on with plenty of positives.

Stronghold Hire – Year by Numbers

To start us off, here are some interesting stats and numbers from 2022 for Stronghold Hire.

  • Scaffold projects complete: 347
  • Truck deliveries and pickups: 880 (ish)
  • Scaffold quotes sent: 470
  • New clients on board: 22
  • Impressions:167,433
  • Published Social Media Posts:398
  • Total Social Media Follower Increase: 670
  • Total number of scaffold inspections the safety officer: 278

2022 Numbers - Stronghold Hire Sydney

Social Media Awards

One of our scaffolders had the fright of their life (and post of the year!) whilst they were working on site, as they looked down and saw a sizeable spider on one of the scaffolding tubes. To which he texted Craig – “Hey boss, I think we should start checking the scaffolding gear before we send it to site”.

Best Performing Project of the Year

Our best performing project of 2022 was our shrink wrap completed in Bronte. No surprises there as the Sydney weather rained more times than it showed sunshine. Stronghold Hire’s shrink wrap was the major winner of Sydney’s never ending rain.

Some Milestones of 2022

Edge Protection System: After a slow start the last 2 months of the year have seen the edge protection division go through the roof (pardon the pun), with the introduction of our new Edge rail expert from the UK.
Storage:Our first full year in the new storage premises has delivered what we hoped for, allowing us to provide a more streamlined cost effective service!
We are the Champions: We won and retained the HLH vs SH Cup in a sports tournament where we play our sister company HLH Group. It was a dominant performance on the day and I am sure we will win again in 2023.

New Clients & Interesting Projects

In 2022, we acquired over 22 new clients, with many re-using us on multiple occasions. Some of the more interesting projects brought to us include:

  1. Presbyterian Ladies College
  2. Bondi Beach Lifeguard Tower
  3. Goulbourn Train Station
  4. Bronte Shrink Wrap
  5. HMB Endeveour

Bring on 2023

We are excited for what 2023 brings us and our main plans for the year are as follows:

Getting the Edge

With our existing stock of edge protection systems being cleared off the shelves in November, we have decided to invest in more stock. The product is superior to others in the market, and with the assurance that it is installed an certified by qualified scaffolders, we only see this division growing from strength to strength.

Maintaining Safety Standards

Our safety officer has brought in a cloud based online system so that the workers can complete SWMS and pre-starts along with 30 day scaffold inspections and handover certificates. The system has become a big hit with our clients and we are thankful to our workers for embracing it the way they have.

Shrink Wrap Service Wrap-up

This has been another division that has exceeded our expectations, largely due to the experience of our installers. Another big year is expected for our shrink wrap service, with lots more rain forecast for 2023.

Stronghold Hire Scaffolding - Sydney

Cheers and Thank You!

We just want to take this moment to say thank you to everyone who helped Stronghold Hire in 2022, whether that be our suppliers, clients or workers… you all contributed to this successful year. Let’s hope for bigger and better things in 2023.


We have over 20 years combined experience in the scaffolding and labour hire industry with clients ranging from government bodies and large construction companies through to smaller subcontractors such as painters, plumbers, lift installers, electricians, roof tilers and renderers. We are one of the leading providers of scaffolding labour hire throughout the Sydney area and our experienced and qualified scaffolders can ensure your projects are erected and dismantled on time and on budget.

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